Friday, May 30, 2008 , 9:57 AM

hooo...充电,充电, 我需要充电。。。。


平时出门都像赶鸭子似的,今天可慢条斯理的“叹早茶”, 选购新装,再决定理-理头发,把头发再剪短些。。。。过后再来一顿丰富的晚餐。。

我俩大开杀戒,我想我吃了有始以来最多sushi & salmon,Sunway Pyramid - Sagun 的日本料理buffet

充电后,又可以有精力来应付接下来的挑战 !!

短暂的分离还可以, 因为我已经开始想念两个小瓜了!!


Thursday, May 29, 2008 , 11:30 AM

There is outdated post on Lee Family Gathering dated 17 May, Yvonne, dont miss it !!!!

, 11:05 AM



Tuesday, May 27, 2008 , 10:29 AM

School Holiday !!! Holiday for 4 of us !!!

We arranged below complex arrangement for first part of holiday....

En will be going to Spore for her long waited and super fun trip
Ze will stay with at Mcca to have fun with his 公公与婆婆
Daddy and mummy will be having holiday too at KL (this is the ultimate aim to arrange above all ....heeee).

Some picture taken by dagugu during her 1st and 2nd day stay at S'pore. take more ya, dear
Photobucket Admiring her mickey mouse sticker
Photobucketdrawing with Ying gugu,i guess ???
Eating her favourite dragon fruit.

A group of sweetie will be going for swimming tomorrow, take photoes on En with her new Mickey Mouse swimming suit, ok?

, 9:45 AM

Friday was last day of school day for En, we heading back to Mcca only on Sunday afternoon after the parents day for En's Helen O'Grady, Speech & Drama class. Here are some photoes taken on her presentation day.
Before the performance, Ethan with his typical "blur blur" look :)

Teacher Adrianna comment on Zo En :

Zo En is the yongest student in the class in terms of age and the period she join, she is very shy but she has the courage to stand on stage in front of the audience without stage fear, that's the great first move, believe us and give us some time, we can do wonder on her.

We were quite dissappointed at first when we saw En did not really participate actively during the performance..... (basically the students are require to speak out drama line clearly with confidence and expression on stage)its really bad to have this kind of feeling even for just a moment as she has just joined the class for few lessons and we should see her as her, not to compare with other child...

As a parents, we really need to be patience and allow time for them to grow as each child is different. I have seen many types of parents and their different behaviour is truely a learning lesson for me. I am still learning to be real "Mother".

At evening time, we brought them to beach to enjoy the sea breeze as they seldom get the chance to go to beach as there is none in KL. They both enjoy especially En who refuse to leave even when the sky turn dark :p

Ethan with his favourite fish sand picture
En is busy making her sand track for Thomas and Friends
Everyone is making effort...
en do not want to be disturned when making her own project

tired day for 4 of all, En fell sleep in the car on our way back home after had her favourite fish ball, noodle, cocacola and 100 plus. she is charging her energy for her trip to S'pore tomorrow (this is the 1st time she travel on long journey bus, hope its not too tiring for her...)

i am going to miss my two cutie, sob sob.... me need to charge up full energy as well for my class day tomorrow.....daddy alreay zzzzz like nobody business.

Good Nite Everyone

Saturday, May 17, 2008 , 10:43 AM

Let me introduce En & Ze's cousins who stay in Australia (Steven, , Yvonne 则豪& 诗韵) . We barely have chance to meet and they flew back this time round to process idenAdd Videotity card for Ze Hao. Seeing them always bring back me and dear memory where we spent our second part of honeymoon at Sydney and we really had great time there, we will sure make our second visit to Sydney with little two kids


则豪& 诗韵 has grown up to be handsome boy and pretty girl, 诗韵 is soso..soft spoken and very sweet, 则豪 is ABC, heheh, his English slange is "powderful", wah and he is mature in thinking

We had dinner gathering to celebrate mother's birthday, before departure to restaurant, En and Ze was happy playing at the garden with ah gong and ah ma. Father seems more appreciate bonding time with family nowsday.


1st- yummy, cheese cake make by Yvonne especially for mother's birthday, really ho chak
2nd - C... 好恩爱哦 !!!


Lee Family Photo

On second day, Steven prepare western cuisine for us, all of us really enjoyed the lunch, the kids are playing, eating, running....


"天下无不散之筵席", they flew back on 29 Apr, we make the trip down to KLIA to send them off, , 登杰,秋萍, 则豪 & 诗韵,we will meet again in Sydney ya !!

P/S -last but not least, 秋萍,i lost the copy of the chocolate cake recipe... wasted your hardwork explaining to me... i will get from mother again...
